Saturday, April 16, 2011

Speakers & Plants & Things

We got the speakers for our record player last night.
Now we want a new (old) record to match the vintage speakers...
 because Bill's is totally 80s.

This may not make any sense, but I want the records to sound old. And I'm hoping old speakers will do that for me... and I'm sure an older record player would make them sound even better (or worse, depending on what your preference is- better to ME). I know, I'm weird. I'm a fan of modern technology... I'd be lost without my Blackberry and my iPod, but I like the oldies, too. I also like the way they LOOK... and am excited to set them up in a new apartment where there's actually room for them, so they're not shoved into a corner (seen below).

(Again, my least favorite wall in the apartment.
I need an entertainment center like, yesterday. And the table the TV is on needs
to be painted or stained b/c I want to keep it and use it as a little desk...
I just don't dig the color. I'm ready for something that I can hide my cable box/DVD/modem, etc... right now it looks as if they're on display, and that's not my intention. Gotta love doing what you can with hand-me-downs... thanks Mom!)

 Allison had a stack of old suitcases at the new house that were going to be donated and I took one. Not quite sure what I'm going to do with it yet. Paint it? Leave it be? Right now it's preventing the dog from pulling out ALL of her toys out of that basket at once. She can't reach, poor little thing.)

 I'd like to think Boo is admiring the beginnings of our patio garden... but, no... he's just waiting for me to leave the room so he can climb up the screen. It happens often.

So far we've got a tomato plant, rosemary, Bowles Mauve Wallflower (to be all technical) and a hanging basket full of Dianthus. Oh, and a bird feeder that the birds haven't found yet. Waa waaa.  

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