Thursday, July 14, 2011

Update: Patio Garden & Health Issues

So, it's a hot Texas summer... and I was worried about our little patio garden. For the most part it's doing well... but we do have some dead stuff. Boo.

 Our last ripe tomato- I assume a bird got to it (it was perfect looking, but not quite ripe less than 24hrs before this pic). I hope we have some more, but our plant is looking a little (a lot) dry.

 We re-planted our herbs because they were growing too big for their current home.

 Three were thriving (Basil, Lemon Basil (so tall!) and Oregano...

 Thyme and Mint... not doing so well. So I tossed the Thyme and planted some more seeds.

 Rosemary- same ol', same ol'. Hasn't grown any taller, though.

 I planted some Vincas (I thought they were periwinkles, guess not)... and they looked great at first... but... (wilted pic at the bottom)

 New Thyme started growing in about 2 days- yay!

 I was able to save one tiny Mint plant... and planted more seeds around it... haven't seen anything new popping up yet.

So, I totally wasted Bill's money and didn't read the instructions on how to care for Vincas until AFTER I crammed them all together in the herbs' former home. They were so pretty for a couple of days and have gotten tons of sun and water since we've had them... but you're supposed to plant them 10" apart. OOPS. Sooo... they're getting pretty wilty. I don't expect them to last long.

Enough about the patio garden, let's talk about ME (heh). I went to the doctor with complaints of cramping, vomiting, severe abdominal pain (all over, but mainly in my ribs), headaches and severe upper back pain. They did a urine test and blood work and referred me to a imaging tech to have abdominal and pelvic sonograms.

A few days before my sonograms and my follow up visit with my Dr- they called me and told me that my blood work came back with severe inflammation and that my white blood cell count was high. She put me on Zofran for nausea, antibiotics for my white blood cell count (they thought I could be fighting off an infection), Symax Duotabs for cramping and Fiorinal for headaches (I'm not supposed to take any Tylenol or other OTC headache meds because my liver is taking a major beating with all of the meds I'm on.)

Longish story short: sonogram came back and I have to have my gallbladder removed. Booo. Apparently tons of people have gallstones- but in my case, since I'm so symptomatic (especially vomiting a lot- not a good sign) I gotta' get mine yanked out.

I made an appointment with a surgeon and I go this coming Monday to discuss my options (I guess). But this past Wednesday and Thursday were really really bad (all my days have been bad and majorly uncomfortable lately, but Wednesday and Thursday were horrible) and I thought I maybe needed to go to the ER. But, I didn't. I took the maximum dosage of Symax and passed out and woke up feeling a bit better.

Yesterday the Dr's office called to check on me and told me they were going to write me yet another prescription- a low dose of Hydrocodone for the pain... and that if my pain gets any worse or I start running a fever or continue to vomit while on Zofran- I need to go to the ER.


I'm really hoping that I can make it through this without having emergency surgery- because I'm sure a trip to the ER, staying multiple days in the hospital and emergency surgery would cost me an arm and a leg (you're already taking an organ- let me keep my limbs!). So... send me good thoughts that I can make it to scheduled surgery without any emergencies.

I've been taking it really easy, taking lots and lots of medication and have been off work (which is REALLY bad, because how in the world am I going to afford said surgery while not being paid what I normally make??)

I'm really glad to know what's wrong (and that I'm not crazy or that I don't have some scary mystery illness)... but now I'm just really wanting it to all be over with. I want my gallbladder to go away, I want to be healed and back at work and back to having fun!

Fingers crossed.
I'm a lucky girl to have such a wonderful, caring boyfriend and helpful, supportive family. They've really made this whole "being a sicko" thing less stressful.

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