Friday, July 1, 2011

As of late...

I returned to work on June 1st (I had been out because of a car wreck and some other health issues)... which is really exciting. It's good to be back... except that I've been super sick lately and doing anything at all has been kind of a drag... and just downright impossible at times.

Instead of going to the doctor for this or that- I finally just made a list of ALL of the stuff that's been going on with my body- and that led to blood work and a need to schedule a pelvic/abdominal sonogram.

So, cheers for working/ jeers for being sick. I hope everything is ok... I'm sure it will be. I just want to be well so I can be a good worker and fully enjoy my nights and weekends... I don't think that's too much to ask for. ;)
I'll be laying low this 4th of July weekend... but rest is what I need right now. THRILLING!

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