Sunday, July 31, 2011

Pictures from Saturday

 Ashlea's gift for Baby Eleanor (swaddling blankets, outfit, "Owlphabet" and Vulli the giraffe)- her shower was on Saturday afternoon. Stephanie and Hilary threw it at her Aunt's house and it was so pretty and sweet... dainty decorations, fun games and yummy food. We had a good time.

Close up of the "Owlphabet"- I love it and I hope Baby E does, too.

Right before we left for the shower, Allison pulled this little jewel that she found in an old box- my journal ("The Big Purple Journal") from '01- '02. Allison, Ashlea, Hilary and I had some good laughs about it. (I removed several pages from it last night because they were pretty cringe-worthy, oh to be 18 again.)

 Saturday night we had Bill's birthday party at Allison and Justin's. We ate, drank (me- water... I'm too scared to drink alcohol after this surgery... my stomach isn't handling things the same way and I don't want to make myself sick) and played games. It was a pretty fun night. Bill and I left fairly early because I was worn out and hurting... but hopefully he had a good night. Happy 34, darling. (Tomorrow, on his actual birthday I'm taking him to dinner at Saviano's- one of our favorite places.)


 My sweet birthday boy

Playing the most ridiculous game of Circle of Death (omg, the rules they made up...)

Hilary and Trey

I've hurt myself a few times this weekend by over doing it (forgetting I'm not supposed to lift things and trying to pick up Charlotte, bending down to help out a cicada who was turned over on his back... silly things, I should have known better). I'm still feeling better than last week, of course- on the road to recovery. I return to work on Thursday (boo and yay at the same time- I mean, who wants to go to work... but mama needs that paycheck to buy furniture for our new apartment... and you know, bills and other boring things). Hopefully I'll be in less pain by then.

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