Friday, March 25, 2011

The Zoo

Boo Radley is the oldest. He's about 6. I got him when I was living at the BRH, while I still had Lizzy, my toy poodle. He was raised around all dogs- and sometimes he still acts like a dog (which I love, because I'm not a cat person- I just love MY cats... and all kittens, how can you not like kittens?). He didn't become very needy or touchy feely until I got Sophers- now he's a cuddle bunny/attention whore. He is the King of the Castle.

Sophie Scout is my little darlin'. She's 2. She's a Dorkiepoo. She weighs 5lbs and the cats together probably weigh 9,000lbs (Boo weighs 16lbs)- so the cats win if they get into a rumble. I got her during a very hard time- my toy poodle, Elizabeth Anne, was 13 and had to be put to sleep. Sophie is HAPPY. All.of.the.time. She loves everyone. She loves her big brother Boo even if he thinks she's totally annoying. She loves to pull all of her toys out of the toy basket, scatter them around and then not play with any of them. She has to be by my side 95% of the time.

Noam Funyuns Assange is the baby. He's 7-8ish months old. He was one of two kittens that I took in after the crazy cat lady next door moved out and left one of her pregnant cats behind. What a c-word. He lived with me for about a week... then moved to Bill's apartment... and moved back in with US yesterday. We're still getting to know each other.

(Both of our cats prefer Bill, which is fine with me. They love on me sometimes- and Sophie gives me enough love for 12 lifetimes. I am a dork. And also kind of a loser, crazy pet lady. But, whatevs. I embrace it.)

(Slightly creepy picture of me and my dog.)

Well, there ya' have it. The Parsons-Alvarez House of Pets. And I want another. (I know you think I'm nuts, but hear me out.) I want to get Sophie a BFF (or it could backfire and they could hate each other- we'd work through it.) I really really want a French Bulldog, but I can't bring myself to spend that much money on a puppy when there are so many sweet pups in shelters that need forever homes. (Maybe I'll look up French Bulldog Rescue sites and get an older dog.) I plan on searching for a new canine around October-ish, after we've moved to a bigger place. Or maybe not. We'll see. I should probably focus on the fact that I'll probably be having HUMAN babies in the years to come... and maybe just stick with our 3 amigos.

(I have a life. I swear.)

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