Sunday, March 27, 2011


I'm obsessed with bright color. I'm also afraid of it. I'm more likely to buy major items in neutral colors... and smaller accessories in brighter colors. And I do it because I'm fickle and I know I won't want to look at the same bright things (decorative things, not furniture) for more than two or three years. Like, once my bedroom was a plum color... and now I stay away from purples completely. My duvet cover is cream now- about as Plain Jane as you can get- but I'm able to stand it because I switch which quilts I put over it, throw pillows, etc.

BUT GOODNESS GRACIOUS, I WANT TO BUY A TURQUOISE DRESSER. OR A GIANT BRIGHTLY COLORED PIECE OF ART -without worrying that I'm spending tons o' cash on something I won't love forever.

I hoping that I can quench my thirst for color by buying things on the cheap (Goodwill, etc) or even take existing furniture and start painting. Then I'll know I can always change the paint color if I want. End of story.

I don't necessarily like exactly how each of these rooms are set up, but every one of them has something that pops. Posting them here is my way of taking notes...

That ceiling! Ah! Love.

I could deal with less paper lanterns hanging from the ceiling, but I would like to mention that
Bill gave me the okay to make paper pom-poms and hang them from the ceiling. Heh. We'll see.

I like the little desk at the foot of the bed. It's hard to find non-tacky (to me... to each their own) 
permanent work areas in small apartments. Also, RIP, Liz.

(All images from my fav,

*while searching for a song to include in this post... I thought it would be hilarious to use "Colors of the Wind" from Pochahontus (sp?) or "Colors" by Ice-T. But then I thought maybe I'd use "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" from Glee... and couldn't figure out how to turn ANY of them off (because I'm pretty computer dumb, y'all)... so I just listened to all three songs simultaneously. It was amazing.  ...gotta' go watch Mildred Pierce now.

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