Monday, May 9, 2011

Trying to make a decision...

As of a couple of days ago, I decided to sand and stain my dining room table.
But there are so many other options. Ones that seem easier.
Here are some ideas that are swimming around in my head...

Instead of staining it, I could PAINT it.
(Not black, but a dark color- probably dark brown).
Not 100% sure that would look awesome, though.
(This black looks really good- I just don't think I want a black table.)

I could paint it a darkish color, like the one above.
(That's pretty much the same shape as my table... I believe that's chalkboard paint,
which I wouldn't be doing... but maybe a greyish blue or green.)

I could paint the table a dark color and paint the chairs a bright color.

The idea I'm leaning most towards is this one- painting the table a light color
and then stenciling something down the middle.
(And then possibly painting the chairs the same color as the middle color? Maybe?)

I think I've sold myself on the last idea... now to figure out a way to do it (we've got limited space, I'd have to put a drop cloth down in my tiny dining room area and paint inside- not sure how to go about doing the chairs) and make it look fantastic. What to do, what to do...

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