Monday, May 2, 2011

"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that"
Ahh, this quote seems to have opened up a small can of worms on my Facebook page. Everyone feels very passionately about the death of Bin Laden. Me? I feel... numb to it. I don't feel like I should be shouting about it from the roof tops or waving flags in the street. I feel like I should think about it quietly. Be thankful that he's no longer on this Earth, but remember his followers left behind. Because, you know, they still hate us. There will be a new leader... a new war... and so on, and so on. I feel like all this jumping for joy kind of makes us look... stupid.

Maybe I'm overly sensitive and a pessimist- but events like this just make me sad. I'd rather not speak my mind, because I'm not one to (and don't understand those who) constantly get in to heated debates. Because, really- who wants to argue at a time like this? If you want to celebrate- don't let me stop you. I'm not losing any respect for those who I don't see eye to eye with (unless you're an uber extremist, and then, yeah- I might think you're totally dumb).

I'd just rather sit quietly and think about things. Be grateful. Be scared. But as calm as possible and hope for the best, while not forgetting that the worst could happen.

Do I think "returning hate for hate multiplies hate"? Absolutely. 100%. And I'm not naive enough to think that all of those celebrating were doing so for our military.

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