Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Hey there...

It's been a while, guys!

Just wanted to share that we have a beautiful, brand new member of our family- my nephew, Jaxon! He's the light of our lives and I'm so proud of his parents, (my youngest brother) Ryan and Kelly- you guys did AMAZING! Of course I'm biased, him being my first nephew and all, but I mean, look at that face- perfection. And such a sweet little guy, too. I love him so so much.

Also, Bill and I are getting married in less than FOUR MONTHS! Crazy. Time flies when you're having fun. I'm trying not to stress myself out with the stuff we have left to do. I'm so excited to spend the most important day of our lives so far with my family and friends. Everyone has been so caring and supportive- I couldn't ask for a better Mom, Grandparents and my beautiful Bridesmaids/BFFs. We're a really lucky Husband & Wife-to be.

Tonight I started juicing. My Mom got me the Breville Juicer I requested for my (29th, agh!) birthday a week or so ago- and it's the bomb dot com. I'm pretty happy with it. I've been looking up recipes online and went to Half Priced Books and found "The Joys of Juicing" (old, but it'll do)... so hopefully I'm on my way to a healthier, happier me. I decided that a juice fast isn't for me- so my plan (as of today, I change my mind often) is to make juice filled with awesome, healthy vegetables and fruits for two meals (breakfast and dinner, more than likely) and to eat a healthy 3rd, CLEAN meal. Wish me luck, as earlier today I was snacking on Wasa Crackers and Pepper Jack. ;)

Here's the website that has helped me the most in decision to juice (which actually started after watching the documentary, "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead"): http://myjuicecleanse.com/

I'll post some stuff about my birthday weekend later. Now it's time to rest.

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