Tuesday, September 4, 2012

That's the plan, Stan.

We should have eloped. I'm excited about all the things to come in the next several weeks and had a wonderful time at our beautiful wedding shower, but we should have eloped. (We could have eloped and still enjoyed all the fun stuff and thrown a great party to celebrate- my emotions don't mesh well with being the center of attention and feeling like I must please EVERYONE. The ceremony is proving to be a little more difficult than I thought. I thought everything was going to be simple, easy breezy. Not so much. Now I totally get why normal ladies turn into Bridezillas.) 
That's all I'm going to say about that.
Us at our Wedding Shower
I'm sure I've written more than enough information about Endometriosis in the past, but it's been an MF-er lately. After a laproscopic procedure to remove scar tissue and infected tissue and more trips to the GYN than I can count- it isn't any better. The last time I went to the GYN, she mentioned that she had a chiropractor friend who worked with patients who have Endo (why was this the first time I heard about a natural remedy??! So far we've been poking and prodding and filling my belly full of pills and my lady junk full of Nuvaring). She explained that nothing can "cure" the Endo, but that treating other things (back pain, headaches, nausea, etc.) could possibly make my life a lot easier.
So, I took to the internet (mainly Pinterest, actually) in search of other alternatives and found entire articles about balancing hormones and whatnot. Mainly this one: http://wellnessmama.com/5425/balance-hormones/.
I've tried (unsuccessfully, since I forget to put it on) Natural Progesterone Cream in the past and will be using it with this list of other supplements/oils/etc. that I've purchased:
-Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil
-MACA Power (Gelatinized Capsules, as I don't think I'll bake enough to get the powder into my system)
-Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil Capsules
-Super Calcium Softgels (my friend Ashlea advised me to make sure to take Calcium w/ the Magnesium... especially since I hope to cut dairy out of my diet next month... more on that in a minute)
-Spring Valley Vitamin B-Complex Sublingual Liquid
... and another friend, Heather, told me that some Folic Acid couldn't hurt.
I will be starting all of this after our wedding. Why after? Because I'm going to put myself on a strict diet, quit smoking, quit using certain household cleaners and make sure my stress level is LOW. (Planning a wedding- my stress level is through the roof!) I have my Bachelorette Party coming up, where I will be eating sushi and consuming adult beverages and also, our Wedding "Ceremony" is at The State Fair of Texas- and if you've ever been there, you know why my new "strict diet" would be completely ruined. I'm going to enjoy our wedding cupcakes and a Fletcher's Corny Dog and not feel guilty about it one bit. Oh, and then there's our Honeymoon... in Mexico... enough said. And in preparation for all this, I will be doing some hardcore cardio (which isn't good for Endo, apparently- they recommend walking, weights, etc... lots of cardio has the possibility of making things worse).
I want to start with a clean slate. I want to feel exactly what's helping and what's not helping when I start taking this new stuff. Will I ever give up a food group completely? No. I feel like that would create a whole different level of stress for me, if I attempted to control everything I put in my mouth. Food is good... sometimes it's bad for you, but that's life. My life, anyway. But I will try my very hardest to do what's best for my body and mind and eventually it will become a routine and a way of life.
I've accepted the fact that I'll be a less-than-skinny Bride, but I will not be an unhealthy Wife and Mother. I will not let Endometriosis, stress and anxiety control me as I've allowed it to do in the past (and present- today I feel awful and can't do much without cramping, crying and vomiting).
I'm ready to be married. I'm ready to be married. I'm really really really ready to be married.  

   (These guys are the greatest!)

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