Friday, November 4, 2011


11/1/11- I'm THANKFUL for our new home. It's perfect for us- so quiet and peaceful. We're outside SO much more now, thanks to all of the parks directly across the street. Sophie is quickly becoming an outdoorsy-type dog (dog park is directly across from us) and the cats sit and sun under our many windows (SO much natural light). I thought I'd need a bunch of new stuff to fill up the extra space we have now- but we worked with what we have (and of course, we have each other- which is the most important part) and have quickly turned a new space into a HOME. We have no complaints, which is awesome- because we had tons of complaints about our last apartment. 'sigh of relief'

11/2/11- I'm THANKFUL for Noam, even though he's the most annoying cat I've ever met. He has his sweet moments, but usually you can find him knocking over trash cans, spilling cups of water or playing with bobby pins and Q-tips like they're glow sticks at an imaginary feline rave. (I tease him a lot, but I love him. He'll take over the world someday. For real. We think he already knows how to drive.)

11/3/11- I'm THANKFUL for Christmas music, and the fact that it's getting closer to that time of year when it's socially acceptable to listen to it (OUT IN THE OPEN, not secretly on your headphones so people won't think you're a batshit crazy person who had their house reported to the tv show Hoarders for being stacked to the ceiling with Christmas decor from 1953, year round). Here's my absolute favorite, what's yours?

11/4/11- I'm THANKFUL that Bill is building a fire right now, because it smells really good and my feet are cold.

11/5/11- I'm THANKFUL for the amazing women who will be standing by my side on my wedding day. Friends are the family you choose- and these are my sisters from another Mister. I love them dearly.
 Allison, my Maid of Honor

Ashlea and her precious baby Eleanor 

 Hilary, in my trunk... with the neighbor's cat :) 

Stephanie and her sweet daughter Charlotte

Heather in her Rangers gear 

 ... and my BFFs. (More on that last pic later.)

11/6/11- I'm THANKFUL for walks in the park with my sweetheart.  The trees in the park are beautiful. I feel like we're in our own little forest. (Wow, that sounded way too "Snow White" for my liking... but seriously, the tree-lined trails are great.)

11/7/11- I'm THANKFUL for RAIN!! Keep it comin'!! Pleeeeeeeease. 

11/8/11- I'm so very THANKFUL that I got good news about my brother Ryan's baby this morning. Everything looks good, and he or she has a strong heartbeat of 166! Still no sonogram (because everything went well)... so I am still itchin' to see that cute little fetus!!

11/9/11- Today I'm THANKFUL for past mistakes, or rather, the ability to learn and grow from them. 

11/10/11- I'm THANKFUL for Pinterest and the inspiration it provides. So many ideas for our home, wedding, parties, outfits... and so on, and so on.

11/11/11- I'm THANKFUL that our Honeymoon is booked! Daydreaming (and also actually dreaming- can't seem to stay awake the past few days) about our cruise to Mexico is getting me through the seasonal 'Fall Back' blues. Many thanks to Bill's parents for such a wonderful gift! 

11/12/11- I am so THANKFUL that I have the most amazing Grandparents. My Grandaddy and Grandmama are my second parents- they love my siblings and me much and have helped raise us to be the people we are today.  I love them and am so incredibly grateful that they're mine. A lot of people don't even get the chance to know their Grandparents... I can't imagine my life without mine. They are wonderful role models who have taught me that a marriage can withstand so many obstacles with patience and kindness.

11/13/11- I'm THANKFUL that my Grandmama is feeling better today and will more than likely be released from the hospital tomorrow afternoon. She had a very high fever and was admitted to the hospital on Thursday... turns out, she had pneumonia. Bill and I went to visit with her today and it made me realize that sometimes, I take for granted the time I have with her and my Grandaddy. I think of them as young people, since they are young at heart (and also, they're fairly young as Grandparents go). I should always remember to cherish the time I get to spend with them. 

11/14/11- I am THANKFUL for the shelves that Bill built to hold pictures of our families, friends and some artsy stuff. That was the last blank wall in our living room- and now it's pretty!! 

(Ta-dah! Made from a cheapo piece of wood from Home Depot.)

11/15/11- Today I am THANKFUL that I have a job. I won't go into great detail about how it's a far cry from a dream or a good time... just that it's a job, and lots of people don't have one.

11/16/11- I'm THANKFUL for my BFF and how if I vent, or get upset about silly things... she still cares about my feelings and loves me, anyway. Olive juice, ABC.

11/17/11- I'm THANKFUL for this guy- 
I was going to save him for one of the last posts, but I can't wait. :) He is my love and my other half. My rock and my best friend. He is kind and patient. Smart and silly. Strong and tender. Basically, my whole world. I love you, Bill. I can't wait to be your wife. (Seriously, let's just elope tomorrow.) 

11/18/11- Today I am THANKFUL for my Mama. My siblings, my Mom and I have been through so much as a family, and my Mom has been so strong for us. We have our ups and downs (ah-hem, "Family Picture Day"... haha), but I know she's always there to listen to me and to love me forever. 

 11/19/11- Today I am THANKFUL for this picture of my NEPHEW, Jaxon!!!
(He's already adorable! Auntie Em loves you and your sweet parents.)

11/20/11- I am THANKFUL that this is the view from our patio. (After two years of having an oh-so-lovely view of a parking lot, these trees make me pretty darn happy.) 

11/21/11- Today I am THANKFUL for Austin, TX and the fact that Bill is taking us there for the weekend, after Thanksgiving. It's my favorite Texas city. Maybe we'll move there one day.

11/22/11- Today I'm THANKFUL for Boo & Sophie. They are my little four-legged babies (I mean, so is Noam, but he already got a shout out) and I'd probably cut off my arm before I lived without them.

11/23/11- I'm THANKFUL for MUSIC. Without it, life would blow.

11/24/11- I'm so THANKFUL that Bill is part of our family now. And that I'm part of his.  Today we stuffed our bellies at my Grandparents' house and enjoyed some time with the fam.

11/25/11- I'm THANKFUL that my friends are and always have been hilarious.
(If you weren't there- this is the oddest, most white trash picture in the world.
But to me and mine- it's GOLDEN. And odd. And white trash.)

11/26/11- I'm THANKFUL for being in Austin and getting to enjoy all of it's random quirky goodness. 

11/27/11- I am THANKFUL for someone who'll stick by my side through good times and bad. I know the good times will be plentiful, but sometimes things are hard... and to know your future husband is full of love and tries his hardest to be so supportive is a wonderful feeling. We will have a beautiful marriage... and I'm so looking forward to it.

11/28/11- Today I'm THANKFUL for hot baths and a warm apartment. 

11/29/11- I'm THANKFUL that we're getting MARRIED in 10 months! Hooray!!!

11/30/11- I'm THANKFUL that I have so many things to be THANKFUL for. :)

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